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ASWM AGM and Autumn Networking Event

  • Event date: 23 October @5:00pm-8:30pm
  • Book now

16:45: Welcome and Tea

17:00: 2024 Annual General Meeting

18:00: Guest speaker, Andrew Goodman, on Mediation Advocacy

19:00: Drinks and Networking at Veeno Wine Bar

The Association of South West Mediators invites you to our 2024 AGM and Autumn Networking Event at Foot Anstey LLP in Bristol! Join us for an evening day of engaging discussions, networking opportunities, and updates on the latest trends in mediation including a presentation from Andrew Goodman on Mediation Advocacy.

Andrew Goodman is the author of c.50 books including Effective Mediation Advocacy, Advanced Mediation Advocacy, How Judges Decide Cases and Effective Written Advocacy in Practice. He will be addressing us on changing the psychology of a trial advocate to one of co-operation and how to demonstrate that you, as the advocate, can offer value for money to your client at a mediation. Andrew's talk will be of huge interest to both mediators and advocates alike and will be a fantastic opportunity to hear from a leading expert on mediation and  how to represent parties at mediation.

Connect with like-minded professionals and and friends and expand your network.

Registration open NOW . Tickets are free for ASWM Members. £20 for Non Members. (And you'll be able to join remotely if you cannot be there in person).

For more information about the ASWM and to become a Member, please go to or contact