A look at the SQE2 July 2024 results banner

A look at the SQE2 July 2024 results

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Congratulations to those who have just received these results! The pass rate for July's SQE2 sitting was 74%, lower than April's at 79%.

Those who were attempting SQE2 for the first time were slightly more likely to pass. In terms of diversity, only 5% of first-time candidates were Black/Black British and 51% of those candidates passed, compared to white candidates with a pass rate of 83% and multiple ethnic groups with a pass rate of 78%.

Those who declared a disability were more likely to pass (83% pass rate), and young candidates performed the best, with 89% of 16-24 year olds passing. In terms of social mobility, those who had a parent attend university had a higher pass rate (82%), and 89% of those who attended a private school passed too.

Despite SQE2 testing legal skills, those with QWE performed worse than those without (73% compared to 82%). Lastly, those with a 1st class degree had a pass rate of 93%.

You can read the full report here.