Huge leap in number of legal professionals with career concerns banner

Huge leap in number of legal professionals with career concerns

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Our new impact report shows that nearly a quarter (22%) of people contacting us for support were primarily concerned about their career in the law. This is a dramatic increase from just over 8% in 2021.

For the first time, the number of people with career concerns equalled the number of legal professionals seeking help because of stress (also 22%).

Read Impact report here



Make space in your day for a conversation about mental health on Time to Talk day (Thursday 2 February)
Talking about mental health isn’t always easy, but a conversation has the power to change lives.

Can you spare a few minutes to read (and share) our article about how to talk to a colleague about how they are feeling?

How to talk about mental health


Men’s Mental Health in the Legal Sector webinar on Tues 21 February from 1 - 2pm
We will be joined by men who have been involved in setting up men’s groups for those working in the legal sector. Please join us to hear about their experiences, what they have learnt so far, the challenges they have faced, and their plans for the future.

Sign up now


New podcast - How to manage banter and build people's confidence to call it out
In this episode Elizabeth (LawCare) talks with Stella Chandler (Focal Point Training) about banter. Stella is an experienced trainer, facilitator and coach who works with clients to tackle inappropriate behaviour in their organisations and build inclusive cultures.

Listen to the podcast