Local Pro Bono requests July 2024- can you assist? banner

Local Pro Bono requests July 2024- can you assist?

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Please contact John Stienlet on westofengland@probonocommittee.uk (formerly Bristol Pro Bono Group)  if you can assist:

  1. Citizens Advice Bristol- Review a property sub lease agreement
  2. Eastside Community Trust – Review 2 x tenant lease renewals & Review contract to purchase an ‘air-ground source energy centre’ for £1.00
  3. Bishop Sutton Pre-School & Forest Club – Draft an agreement for the pre-school to use part of a field.

1.  Overview – Citizens Advice Bristol are an independent local charity that provides free, independent, impartial, and confidential advice to whoever may need it.

“We are in the process of sub leasing some of our office space to a local well known mental health charity, which will mutually benefit both charities. Our lease with Bristol City Council permits us to sub leasing arrangements. We have drafted a sub lease agreement between Citizens Advice and the incoming tenant. However, we really need assistance from a Solicitor who can please review the draft sub lease agreement and help us to ensure that it’s fit for purpose!” Robin Geller, Chair, Citizens Advice Bristol”

Pro bono request – Real Estate – Seeking assistance to review a sub-lease agreement between Citizens Advice Bristol and a new charity tenant in their property which CAB lease from Bristol City Council. Help to ensure that the agreement is fit for purpose.

When – The charity would appreciate this support as soon as possible, by end July 2024.

2.3,4. Overview - The charity Eastside Community Trust provides a wide range of services for the community in East Bristol. This includes running Easton Community Centre which is a busy community hub offering community outreach space for other charity services, affordable meeting and office spaces with a café, nursery and community radio station.

The community centre is ‘fossil free’ due to solar panels and a hybrid air-ground source energy centre, set up by local residents, which extracts heat from surrounding air as well as 2 kilometres of underground pipework, and upgrades it to temperatures sufficient to be piped through radiators in Easton community centre. This energy centre has been maintained on behalf of Eastside Community Trust by the company CEPRO (Clean Energy Prospector Ltd.). CEPRO are selling the energy centre back to Eastside Community Trust for £1.00 and the Trust will take on responsibility for managing this facility.

To help fund their activities, Eastside Community Trust also generate some rental income from commercial and charity tenants both in the community centre and through a few local retail units

Pro bono requests x 3 - Eastside Community Trust are seeking volunteers to assist with one or more of three matters:

  • Review a commercial lease renewal document for the charity’s tenant, ‘Café Conscious’, for the retail unit, 182 Avondale Rd, Bristol, BS5 9SX – The CEO & Trustees are seeking assurance that the lease is fit for purpose and would welcome some feedback.
    By when: Fri 9th August 2024
  • Review a commercial lease renewal document for the charity’s tenant ‘Raised in Bristol’, which runs a children’s nursery within Easton Community Centre, Kilburn St, Easton, Bristol BS5 6AW . The CEO & Trustees are seeking assurance that the lease is fit for purpose and would welcome some feedback.
    By when: end Sept 2024
  • Review a contract to purchase, for £1.00, the Energy Centre which is attached to Easton Community Centre and provides renewable energy for the centre.By when: Mon 16th Sept 2024

5. Overview
 “I work at Bishop Sutton Pre-school & Forest Club in North Somerset, and own a field nearby. We want to allow the pre-school use of a section of our field and would like some legal support to draft an agreement between us and the preschool regarding the use of the field. We are looking for some pro bono legal advice as the preschool funds regarding this is obviously limited. We are hoping to get the field access up and running for the autumn term so have a couple of months to play with. We own the field outright with no mortgage.” Hannah M.

Pro bono request – Assistance to draft an agreement between the field owner & Bishop Sutton pre-school that will enable the pre-school to use a section of the field for children’s activities

When – By end Aug- early Sept 2024