Pro Bono Requests October 2024 banner

Pro Bono Requests October 2024

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Overview -  Step and Stone (CIC) is an excellent small social enterprise bakery in Bristol that works with people with learning disabilities.

“We are a bakery which produces award-winning baked goods for sale in fine food shops. People learn transferable working skills in our purposeful setting and we help them with all aspects of finding and keeping a meaningful job if they wish.”.

Jane Kippax & Jane Chong the Co- Directors, have decided they are now ready to change from a CIC to a charity (CIO) to open up opportunities including to access more grant funding that can enable them to support more people with learning disabilities. However, they would really appreciate support with the process.

Pro bono request -   Jane & Jane the co-directors are seeking assistance with the process to change Step & Stone from a Community Interest Company (CIC) to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

 When - They would be grateful if a volunteer(s) can begin to assist them by the end of Oct 24 if possible.


Overview – We have an enquiry from the ‘Cultural Ambassador’ at one of Bristol’s NHS Trusts on behalf of one of their nurse employees. 

Pro bono request -   Looking for “Support for one of our employees who is an international nurse and is under a bail condition due to an accusation that has been made against him incorrectly and appears to be a complete injustice. He needs support to understand the judicial process and if someone can possibly also attend his hearing and provide him with support, it would be most helpful

Financially he cannot afford the legal support and due to the fact that he has only just joined a union he is not eligible for legal support at this time.

The colleague needs support and advice on the judicial system, and has already attended a prehearing. The problem he is going to encounter is that his employment status is supported with a valid Certificate of sponsorship (COS). His employer is willingly supporting him at this moment, but he is currently on suspension pending the outcome of his case; trial date set for December 2024.

He does not fully understand the UK judicial system in this country and does not fully realise that he is at risk of becoming unemployed, which means he will be in breach of his visa and his  COS which may result in him being repatriated. It appears to be a miscarriage of justice and he is in turmoil about the whole thing. He is being supported by his line manager at NBT. There is no language barrier as he is articulate in the English language. If you wish to discuss this with him and his manager please let us know and we can easily arrange that meeting. Many thanks in advance for any support that can be available.”

 When - The client will likely benefit from advice by end Oct 2024 & also if practical, a volunteer might attend the client’s hearing in Dec 2024 (Date to be clarified)


If you can assist with any of these requests, please contact