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SRA regulation of CILEX members Consultation

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CILEX  - the professional body for more than 17,000 CILEX lawyers, paralegals and other legal professionals in England and Wales - has announced a review of its delegated regulatory arrangements, and is currently consulting on whether to redelegate its regulatory functions from CILEx Regulation Limited (CRL) to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

The SRA have opened a parallel consultation in which they are seeking views on their regulatory arrangements to enable them to regulate CILEX members in the event that CILEX decides to proceed with redelegation.

The Law Society President, Lubna Shuja, has said that ‘while the SRA and CILEX have said they believe that the proposals will benefit consumers, our view is that there is a higher risk of causing greater confusion for when they are choosing the appropriate legal provider to meet their needs.’ Though many of our members hire, supervise and work with CILEX lawyers, many do not. You can read Lubna’s full response in the Gazette.

The Law Society wish to encourage  members to respond to the consultation and shall be working with members to gather their views to help inform their own response to the consultation.

Arrangements for SRA regulation of CILEX members

  • Deadline for submission of responses is 22 November 2023 (CILEX’s consultation runs until 5 November 2023)
  • The SRA’s consultation paper is available here
  • How to respond


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