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Bristol Law Society as part of its representative function contributes to consultations and surveys by regulatory bodies and organisations for its views on pertinent legal matters.

These include national and local government, The Law Society of England and Wales, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) as well as independent inquiries. Responses to these consultations are prepared on behalf of the Society by appropriate Council members and are often drafted on the back of surveys and roundtables events with interested members and submitted by the President.

You can find up-to-date open consultations from:

A list of recent consultations and the response to each on behalf of the Society and relevant organisations follows:

SRA: Consultation on Client Money in Legal Services

Read the BLS response here>> SRA Consultation on client money in legal services - 20 Feb 2025

SIF Consultation responses below:

SRA regulation of CILEX members Consultation  - deadline 22 Nov 2023

Law Society Arbitration Act Review - Consultation 2

BLS inputted into meetings with the Law Society which informed their response which can be read here

SRA | Consultation on regulation of CILEX members | Solicitors Regulation Authority